We grow up wanting more.
More love, affection, food, comfort, clothes, money, beauty...the list is endless.
As a child, I was often told, "Don't ask for more. Be happy with what you have."
I never listened.
I don't think we are happy with what we have. We feel that we deserve more.
I fail to see why that is a bad thing. Why should wanting more be bad? It is good to be ambitious. It is good to want to be the best. It is good to demand more out of life. It isn't good however, to be miserable in the process.
Often, in our pursuit of happiness, we forget to be happy. We are driven by greed and the need to make life better and in the chase we forget the very reason we are doing the said activity.
Strange but true. Very few people know when to draw the line. I can assure you that more often than not, i fail to see that line too.
I want to see that line. I want to stop before misery takes over my life. I want to be happy with what I have. I want to be in control of my emotions.
I want so many things... there, i am not happy with what I have yet again!