Monday, September 5, 2011

happy teachers' day

Only one teacher has shaped me and my life. He has taught me how to keep my head up, weather the storms and keep walking towards my dream. He has made me the person I am.
Thank you god.And Happy Teacher's Day.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


The advent of summer is something everyone in Europe eagerly awaits. Where we live, it´s a blessing that one needs after months of brutal weather. And when I say brutal, I mean it. Harsh winds that can make garbage cans topple (it´s a huge task to merely move these waist-high cans), tree branches haplessly getting lodged in ventilators, the gate creaking in protest, the glasses shivering with fear as rain and wind lash against them. It´s drama unfolding till it´s time for the snow to start its journey on your manicured lawns, trimmed trees and prized rose bushes.
I am not going to elaborate on spring /winter/autumn in summer. That´s almost like feeding the wrong kid the first slice of a birthday cake and expecting the birthday boy to be a good sport about it. Summer is refreshing. It brings with it a fresh wave of excitement that seems to wash over the entire family. Everyone´s sense of adventure is in place as many families put out their houses to rent, take their campers and head out on a road trip.
Do I find summer exciting? Yes and no.
Yes, because from 3 layers I get to downgrade to 2 layers.
No, because when you come from where I do, summer means walking around in shorts. Here, if you do that, you will catch a cold.
But yes, the sun gets up before I do and sleeps rather late as well. I guess this is his idea of a slumber party.
Autumn on the other hand is the mischievous, untrustworthy brother of summer. You never know what he does. Sometimes, he will sit quietly and let you think he is the best kid the weather system has and sometimes, your house will beg for mercy as the winds and hail batter the roof and lash the windows with fury. I have unlimited patience though and I know it´s about enduring the drama for 2 months after which the calm winds cool the earth and bring a blanket of white fluff to soothe the agonies.
Winter. Can´t live with her. And without her.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Why is it that all communication targeted towards us expects us to be a certain way, behave in a certain manner or say the right things. Who dictates this? Why is it that some things are correct while others are wrong? Is it so wrong to be a dreamer or to have a mind of your own?
I remember when I was in school, doing Maths in a certain way was the only way to do Maths. I remember the teachers telling me what they were expecting. I remember wondering why I could not arrive at the same answer in a different way. I learned in a few years that I was expected to fit in just because the people around did not want to be challenged.They were expected to teach in a certain way which they did. So as a student, I was naturally expected to take in what was taught and was conditioned to work in the exact same way that was considered "right".
I wish there was a way to stop people from judging a fish by it´s ability to climb a tree. Difference in thought, traits and personality is what makes each one unique. By expecting everyone to be like you means that you are destroying diversity. You want comfort, stay at home. When you get out, learn to accept people and respect them for what they bring to the table. Learn to adapt and accept the ideas that float around when eclectic minds meet. Don´t expect your ideas to be the only ones that work. Don´t judge people by what you think is right. Never assume you know everything. You don´t. No one does. But each one of us knows bits that fit like a jigsaw puzzle and that´s why we need diversity.

write right?

I tried getting away from writing but of late, I realize that it has not managed to get out of my system. I figured that there was a lot left to be said in life. After all, my experiences can´t really be summed up like an equation and left for another year so here I am.
You will have to forgive the typos and grammatical errors as I am a but rusty but if you bear with me, I am sure I will be the writer I used to be before I went into hiding.
So, incase you are curious I was hiding because I wanted to get away from writing. Why?
Simply because I spent 7 odd years doing nothing but that. Day and night sometimes. I got paid pittance but it never mattered because when you feel passionate about something, money hardly matters.
But then it got to me. People in the western society call it a "burn-out". I called it monotony. So, I moved on, started a new chapter in life, moved continents and changed my status, though not necessarily in that order. Heck, I even learned how to cook. Anyone who knows me will know how big a change that is.
Anyway, why am I back to blogging?
I don´t really know but when I woke up today, I suddenly felt like writing. Not just a thought, but an entire post! I should be excited because all this time I have been making excuses not to write, or work or get involved with anything that makes me get back into the life I had. I guess deep down, my ability to talk to people through my work never went away. So here I am. A bit blunt but give me a few posts and I will be my usual razor sharp witty self again.
Thank you for reading and see you soon!