The advent of summer is something everyone in Europe eagerly awaits. Where we live, it´s a blessing that one needs after months of brutal weather. And when I say brutal, I mean it. Harsh winds that can make garbage cans topple (it´s a huge task to merely move these waist-high cans), tree branches haplessly getting lodged in ventilators, the gate creaking in protest, the glasses shivering with fear as rain and wind lash against them. It´s drama unfolding till it´s time for the snow to start its journey on your manicured lawns, trimmed trees and prized rose bushes.
I am not going to elaborate on spring /winter/autumn in summer. That´s almost like feeding the wrong kid the first slice of a birthday cake and expecting the birthday boy to be a good sport about it. Summer is refreshing. It brings with it a fresh wave of excitement that seems to wash over the entire family. Everyone´s sense of adventure is in place as many families put out their houses to rent, take their campers and head out on a road trip.
Do I find summer exciting? Yes and no.
Yes, because from 3 layers I get to downgrade to 2 layers.
No, because when you come from where I do, summer means walking around in shorts. Here, if you do that, you will catch a cold.
But yes, the sun gets up before I do and sleeps rather late as well. I guess this is his idea of a slumber party.
Autumn on the other hand is the mischievous, untrustworthy brother of summer. You never know what he does. Sometimes, he will sit quietly and let you think he is the best kid the weather system has and sometimes, your house will beg for mercy as the winds and hail batter the roof and lash the windows with fury. I have unlimited patience though and I know it´s about enduring the drama for 2 months after which the calm winds cool the earth and bring a blanket of white fluff to soothe the agonies.
Winter. Can´t live with her. And without her.