It´s currently -8 degrees where I live. The last few days have seen snow, some sun, no heat, plenty of mist and a lot more sniffles. It´s ironic that I grew up in a country where heat was in excess and here I am paying for heat to keep warm. Such is life!
I am not going to complain though. There is something alluring about snow. It´s pure fluff that makes you want to touch it and store it in a box to look at, time and again. While we are at it, here´s a little secret:
I like tasting snow. Yes, really. Any by that, I don´t mean swallowing everything the sky showers. Just a bit to savour the true magic of nature. It doesn´t cost a fortune. It does however add to my ever growing list of things I cherish in life.
This cotton candy is for me...even when I turn 60.